Ahhhh drinking, I love it. I'm telling you all, alcohol is like a fine woman:Tasty, frangrant, intoxicating and when stored in the freezer, lasts almost forever.
Paul, Knight, Julie and I recently had a conversation about our vices, and came to the realization that we've spent around $7000 or so dollars on booze since we started drinking... Each. That's a hefty down payment on a nice car, but frankly I'd be too drunk to drive another car anyhow, so what's the point of having one?
Whilst reminiscing about the past, and how many weekend in highschool we used to go in a row, we remembered how exciting it was to reach say ummmm.. Say 3 drunken weekend in a row and that our records back then were..... They were.....Well none of us can remember much about highschool... I wonder why that is? That's like 350 weekends ago isn't it? I'm no good at math.
I really buckled down to figure it out,, I did!.. But I can't draw any real conclusions as to why I don't remember much from back then, probably something to do with school and how it fills your memory spaces up with useless information like "If a train is traveling at the speed of X towards County Y, how many goats does it kill when the conductor is busy figuring out how many weekends in a row he's been drunk and forget to switch tracks"
Excuse me for a moment, I need a refill.
best word problem ever! if i remember correctly, and i think i do because i didn't start smoking pot until i was 19... the answer is 24. haha
Haha... $7000?????
I bet that's still an underestimation.
I love your blog...KEEP IT UP!
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