I've decided to let all of those who read my blog to have a chance at sampling the glamorous life of a successful, hilarious, wealthy, and extraordinarily good looking, world famous Blogger. Since this person is only rumored to exist, I'll tide you all over by letting you get your own words on mine. If you can't settle for a somewhat doing okay, middle class, not butt assed ugly, not famous at all bloggers life, well you might as well end it now, because you're dreams of anything better will never come true.
Which brings me to my next point:
I am soliciting submissions! How would you spend the last week of your lives, if you knew with 100% accuracy, you were going to die in 7 days??? Tell me now!
My good friend Doc brought this idea forward, so I'll share what I can recollect of his wishes. (Doc, feel free to leave a comment correcting or adding anything I left out. I'’ve tried to do it justice.)
From what I gathered, he wants to go on an absolute rampage of excess, in all its forms. Preferable this would happen in Tokyo, or Vegas as a distant #2. The purpose being he wouldn't be aware of a single second of any of it:
Hard drugs, alcohol, rooms filled with prostitutes and every imaginable perversion would be the highlights of this "trip" (I am the punnyest man alive). There would be lines of all sorts of powders sniffed from all sorts of crevices off all sorts of women. A non stop extravaganza of Insane parties and falling over intoxication, destruction of property on a whim and an "I'll do whatever I feel like, immediately upon thinking it, and not care about the consequences whatsoever" attitude.
There was a consensus among those in the original conversation that a "bodyguard" would have to be hired, not for protection, but to ensure he gets Doc the hell out of wherever he is when something nuts goes down, before the cops get there.
Doc did NOT want to spend his last days in jail, and I don't know if he mentioned it, but he may have been willing to shoot it out with the fuzz to avoid it. I would anyways.
On the seventh day Doc rested. HA! Just kidding, Doc's not some weak lazy biatch that needs rest after seven days. He would hire a plane, and have it take him up as high as possible. Then a friend, or acquaintance would shoot his ass full of good heroin, and push him out. Imagine it: floating, high as shit, through the air to your impending doom, and enjoying every second of it. Sound like a good way to go to me.
Just so I don't seem like I completely copped out again, I'll add my own ending, because frankly, I think the first 6 days would be about the same as Docs.
On the 7th day, I would take the fastest motorcycle I would fly to San Fran, then rent the fastest motorcycle I could and drive it to the golden gate bridge. My "bodyguard" would be waiting with about 500 feet or so of extremely strong lightweight rope, and a ramp. We'd block traffic, I'd get high, and then IÃ’d get the bike up as fast as possible and jump off the bridge. Surprise! The rope would be around my neck, and when I reached the end of it, it would rip my head off my body in a sweet, bloody explosion, and my head and headless body would fall into the water below. Now thatÃ’s an ending to a good week.
This post won't be interesting unless we get a few more stories, so please leave a comment here, or e-mail me, and I'll edit the page so they are included.
Enjoy your time in the quasi spotlight, because most of you won't ever get a chance at a real one. HiOhh.
Big Smitty Has been the first, and so far only cool person to read this entry: Here is his entry, I enjoyed immenselysly (it rhymes!):
1. Grab nearest chick and give her a ride she'd remember for all eternity.
2. Drive to nearest lake with 40
pounder of rum and 2 cans of coke. Finish the bottle and watch the sun come up (If possible).
3. Repeat #1.
4. Run around naked, forcing a conversation with every person I pass.
5. Find that stripper from the falls and actually let her do what she wrote on the poster.
6. Get as many different types of drugs as possible. Dump them in a blender with a bottle of rum and make a smoothie.
7. Repeat # 1
8. Track down as many Brangilina fanatics as possible and smack each one of them.
9. On that note track down Tom Cruise, Britney Spears, Michael Jackson, David Blaine, Oprah, Ellen and George Bush and smack the shit out of them too. "Smack, Smack…Where's your Scientology now Tom…Smack, Smack"
10. Attempt to roll and smoke the world's biggest spliff.
11. I would also like to have a drink with Johnny Cash and Marlon Brando but that would have to wait until after I was dead.
12. Finally have a living wake (a party for the ages) with all my friends at a cottage and in the morning I would die. As a last request burry me with my pizza oven.
"Ghetto Booty Thrills" Comments:
Big Smitty, that was actually pretty funny. It's too bad we all know the felating pizza bed would be where you'd stay the entire time, good fantasy though.
David Paige said:
This Doc friend of yours has some wild ideas! I'd love to sit down and have a drink with him and hear some more about what he has to say. Regarding the seven-day-to-live scenario, my plan would have initially involved lots of quality time with friends and family, but after reading about Doc's plan, I'd have to agree with him and say that going down blazing is the way to go!! Long live guys like Doc.
"Ghetto Booty Thrills" Comments:
David Page, Nice post. It's amazing two people currently living in New South Wales, Sydney, Australia feel the same way about this, and enough so to give write a comment giving serious props. The worlds a small place. Hahahah
"Anonymous B-Rod" Said:
First off if your going to live your life to its fullest why the heck would you not want to be aware of every second you have left here on this lovely planet called earth? Though, I suppose if youÂre going to be blowing yourself up and all that 'fun' stuff then ok sure, I rather not feel the pain either. Especially, if you have one week to live.
Personally, I rather enjoy every second I have left breathing & have my last week be as painless as possible.
& Seriously all this hard core drinking and drug business, I mean ok unless I was into all that while still living life & not dying. Then maybe IÂd have a difference of opinion. But for me it's like why waste all that money on crap, when in the end all you're going to do is kill yourself before life kills you? I see it as a sign of fear...your trying to control the inevitable.
My ideal way to exit this life would be much less extravagant, I suppose. So lets say I take all that money...assuming this 'Doc' paid for any of it to begin with, if not WELL then IÂd just gather up all my savings...give what-ever amount to friends & family, along with personal possessions, the rest I would use for me..& Then Travel the entire effin' world see all the places I haven't had the pleasure of visiting, making sure I see the ones on my TO SEE LIST first.
Basically, seeing the world with my own two eyes & experiencing it not just hearing it via some radio or friend or what have you, as well as not just watching it from the T.V BUT actually PERSONALLY exploring the various cultures & broadening my view on life thus far. On my last day I would probably want to return to the comforts of my own home, spend my last hours with those who have meant the world to me AKA, close family & friends, because really these are the people who have made my life worth living thus far.
Before IÂd die, I would want to make amends with the things that I had been to chicken shitted to say & just say it out loud & make sure certain messages get to certain people. After that I am willing to die a peaceful death, in my own home, with friends & family there....my final wishes would be to have my ashes thrown out into one of the oceans.
Haha yea I know not as hardcore as the guys' version, but IÂm female...& well, view things differently I suppose.... hopefully that was interesting enough.
"Ghetto Booty Thrills" Comments:
And that my friends, proves our point. Girls aren't funny.
It also seems they lack the ability to judge how long things take to do, girls can't even Die right..
Thanks for the post anonymous! We look forward to many more!
"Anonymous B-Rods" Rebuttal:
HA alrighty "Ghetto Booty Thrills", i really wasn't looking for 'funny' points there or anything...and by the way please explain how my post goes to generalize all girls?...i am after all one female out of many...& it was feedback from just MOI..judge me as you wish...that's just your opinion toward me.
Clearly it was stated: "How would you spend the last week of your lives, if you knew with 100% accuracy, you were going to die in 7 days???" ---> Now, correct me if i'm wrong, but does it say anywhere that funny was a requirement? ...No y'all just wanted some feedback in return..and well i decided to add mine.
& to comment on the whole generalization that we girls seem to "lack the ability to judge how long it takes to do things"...well my defence to this would simply be that in my response i did say MY IDEAL way ..meaning that IF i could have it my way....
Ne whos goes to show guys will be guys...am i surprised? ..haha definately not.
"Ghetto Booty Thrills" Comments:
Great response, and I mean that in a totally serious way. In fact, I looked up your IP because I was impressed, and it said you are from Mimico, Ontario. Where the FUCK is Mimico, and who are you! Reveal yourself please. You deserve proper recognition.
Thanks again for the comments! Keep em' coming.
1. Grab nearest chick and give her a ride she'd remember for all eternity.
2. Drive to nearest lake with 40
pounder of rum and 2 cans of coke. Finish the bottle and watch the sun come up (If possible).
3. Repeat #1.
4. Run around naked, forcing a conversation with every person I pass.
5. Find that stripper from the falls and actually let her do what she wrote on the poster.
6. Get as many different types of drugs as possible. Dump them in a blender with a bottle of rum and make a smoothie.
7. Repeat # 1
8. Track down as many Brangilina fanatics as possible and smack each one of them.
9. On that note track down Tom Cruise, Britney Spears, Michael Jackson, David Blaine, Oprah, Ellen and George Bush and smack the shit out of them too.
10. Attempt to roll and smoke the world's biggest spliff.
11. I would also like to have a drink with Johnny Cash and Marlon Brando but that would have to wait until after I was dead.
12. Finally have a living wake (a party for the ages) with all my friends at a cottage and in the morning I would die. As a last request burry me with my pizza oven.
This Doc friend of yours has some wild ideas! I'd love to sit down and have a drink with him and hear some more about what he has to say. Regarding the seven-day-to-live scenario, my plan would have initially involved lots of quality time with friends and family, but after reading about Doc's plan, I'd have to agree with him and say that going down blazing is the way to go!! Long live guys like Doc.
First off if your going to live your life to its fullest why the heck would you not want to be aware of every second you have left here on this lovely planet called earth?Though, i suppose if your going to be blowing yourself up and all that 'fun' stuff then ok sure, i rather not feel the pain either. Especially, if you have one week to live.
Personally, i rather enjoy every second i have left breathing & have my last week be as painless as possible.
& seriously all this hard core drinking and drug business, i mean ok unless i was into all that while still living life & not dying..then maybe i'd have a difference of oppinion. But for me it's like why waste all that money on crap, when in the end all your going to do is kill yourself before life kills you? I see it as a sign of fear...your trying to control the inevitable.
My ideal way to exit this life would be much more less extravagant, i suppose. So lets say i take all that money...assuming this 'Doc' paid for any of it to begin with, if not WELL then i'd just gather up all my savings...give what-ever amount to friends & family, along with personal possessions, the rest i would use for me..& then Travel the entire effin world see all the places i haven't had the pleasure of visiting, making sure i see the ones on my TO SEE LIST first. Basically, seeing the world with my own two eyes & experiencing it not just hearing it via some radio or friend or what have you, as well as not just watching it from the T.V BUT actually PERSONALLY exploring the various cultures & broadening my view on life thus far. On my last day i would probably want to return to the comforts of my own home, spend my last hours with those who have meant the world to me aka, close family & friends, because really these are the people who have made my life worth living thus far. Before i'd die, i would want to make amends with the things that i had been to chicken shitted to say & just say it out loud & make sure certain messages get to certain people. After that i am willing to die a peaceful death, in my own home, with friends & family there....my final wishes would be to have my ashes thrown out into one of the oceans.
haha yea i know not as hardcore as the guys' version, but i'm female...& well, view things differntly i suppose....hopefully that was interesting enough.
HA alrighty "Ghetto Booty Thrills", i really wasn't looking for 'funny' points there or anything...and by the way please explain how my post goes to generalize all girls?...i am after all one female out of many...& it was feedback from just MOI..judge me as you wish...that's just your opinion toward me.
Clearly it was stated: "How would you spend the last week of your lives, if you knew with 100% accuracy, you were going to die in 7 days???" ---> Now, correct me if i'm wrong, but does it say anywhere that funny was a requirement? ...No y'all just wanted some feedback in return..and well i decided to add mine.
& to comment on the whole generalization that we girls seem to "lack the ability to judge how long it takes to do things"...well my defence to this would simply be that in my response i did say MY IDEAL way ..meaning that IF i could have it my way....
Ne whos goes to show guys will be guys...am i surprised? ..haha definately not.
haha..hmmm i tend to be skeptical of people...but ok i'll take your word for it, being serious and all. As for where Mimico creek is..actually not where i'm from...lol.. i believe that's Etobicoke area in Toronto, ON. Let's just say i know Philip & he has me on msn, i go by Vikki...lol. Maybe he can help you..
LOL Philip...so i just read the very bottom of ur post where it says posted by Phil "ghetto booty thrills" Baranski... originally i thought it someone else who posted up the replys...but no it was you, my bad.
don't post this reply up cuz it's mainly for you. i just wanted to say that well you do know me & i'm the anonymous person you are looking for..definately not from Mimico though...hmmm
have a good day!
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