Thursday, November 30, 2006

When flying by the seat of your pants, sometimes your ass gets burned.

Many hundred of km´s, a twelve hour day and a 6 hour detour and we are in Chiloe. We tookl off early from Pucon bright and early, and headed for the argentinian border. After driving through some of the most gorgeous scenery yet and snapping som incredible landscapes, we arrived, this was it, our passports were stamped and we were going to log another ountry in the travelled to books. Or so we thought. Immigration asks for our Authorizations papers for the car we are driving. We pull our everything we have, but we don´t have one. Apparently you ned different insurance and an official release from the rental agency to leave the country with the car, howver temporary it may be.

So we get sent packing, back 40 km on a seriously rough, albeit beautiful, dirt road to try and get the papers we need to continue south. After almost 20 bucks in phone calls we find uot that its an extra $400 for the verification and it would take 2 days. This information talters our plans entirely. We decide to cut our losses and get as far south while staying in Chile as we can, and that means heading south through the island of Chiloe, then another ferry to the mainland and some dirt road driving. Unfortunatly, our passports hav been stamped as having entered Argentina, and our tourist papers taken. This means yet another trip back to th border to have that info reversed, or we wouldn´t be laving Chile.

On the positive side, even if you drive a really shitty dirt road back and forth four times, for like 200 km, your hands numb from the vibrations, when the backdrop is glacier capped volcanoes and huge blue lagoons and black volcanic sand beaches, the backtracking doesn´t seem nearly as bad.

After a nice meal at a nearby stop, we headed towards Chiloe, bracing ourselves for a long ass day. It was 2:00 pm and I made it to about 3:30 and couldn´t kep my eyes open. An hour roadside powernap seriously recharged both us, and the stink in the car, and we headed off again. Many hours of driving, and a very close to running empty close call, we were on a half hour ferry for Chiloe, and we booked into a gorgeous little hostel on the shore at aroudn 10 PM.

The only place w were sure was open was this one table place, so got some hotdogs and a bottle of wine, and decided to check our the local fair for a bit. Geofy wuold have loved this one ride we watched, as it wan´t even fun, it just set ut to make sure everyone on it got hurt. It looked like a really toned down gravitron that was totally open on all sides and tilted up on one side, however the tiltin was more like a bounce up and down enough so people could almost fly out, and the spining was too slow to hold you in tour seat at all... and there was neither neatbelts or anything to hold on to. Basically everyone on it was getting tossed into the middle and sliding across the whole floor while being bounced around until they lammed into the hard wall on the other side, it was pretty unbelievable actually, and entertained us for a while.

Since 14 hour days tire you out we headed back to the place and rested up pretty early, so we could cover more territory the next day.

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