This isn't the official video but it has the song. Not hard to tell what's mine and what's hers
The beauty of your eyes shine brighter then the sky,
Even through the dust that’s falling, and the blood that’s pouring out your side
And we were just innocent, wrong place wrong time
Wrong neighborhood
Another crime
You and me together
Through the days and nights
I dont worry cause
Everythings gonna be alright
People keep talking
They can say what they like
But all I know is everything's gonna be alright
And I’ll hold you till your last breath, please tell me it ain’t soon
Past acting hard right now, you gotta to know I love you,
Close as my own mother, two months past just another
Stranger in my mist, streets battles made us brothers
Bullets have no mercy, no sympathy at all
So I tilt my head back and feel the drops fall
When the rain is pouring down
And my heart is hurting
You will always be around
This I know for certain
No one no one no one
Can get in the way of what I'm feeling
They hate this urban war, and right now I’m with’em
Kneeling here watching my best friend go missin.
Right before my eyes, there ain’t SHIT that I can do
I’m like an infant child but no mother to cry to....
And I know this ain’t even gonna make the news
You and me together
Through the days and nights
I dont worry cause
Everythings gonna be alright
People keep talking
They can say what they like
But all I know is everything's gonna be alright
No glory here, in the streets riddled with poverty
We both new eventually it would be you, or me
Cause these blocks are riddled with bullets too
Can’t feed the hungry but sure can run them through
My word,: I’ll remember the times...
When the rain was pouring down
And my heart wass hurting
You will always be around
This I know for certain
Thursday, November 29, 2007
Tuesday, November 13, 2007
The best observation ever:
I say LOL a lot, and for the most part I'm not LOL'ing, I'm not even LOTI'ing, I'm probably not even smiling, because, you all just aren't that funny. That little diddy above made me actually LOL, I want to be friends with whoever wrote it.
I found an amazing new "blog". Definately check it our for more amazing postings:
Friday, August 24, 2007
Love, Inspired by The passion by Lauren Hill
If you could buy love, true love
I'd bankrupt myself in a second
so easy that path, I reckon
to get what we all dream of
Too easy, it would be
it'd loose exclusivity
True sacrifice is the only key
I'd bankrupt myself in a second
so easy that path, I reckon
to get what we all dream of
Too easy, it would be
it'd loose exclusivity
True sacrifice is the only key
Friday, August 17, 2007
Misplacement of Blame: Entry A
I'm writing this blog to address some of the conclusions I have on a couple of societies common assumptions, many of which are indeed true. We often are quick to scapegoat people, or judge them. Often we do this because of envy or jelousy, and should take a step back and put things in logical perspective.
One of the most common assumptions people make is that the prettiest people are also the dumbest. Unfortunately, the overwhelming truth of this cliche gives me a facial more often then I'd like to admit. I don't like to ever admit to receiving a facial, frankly, even if it is metaphorical.. though I guess I just did. We normally blame the beautiful person for their stupidity, and, of course, let our envy get the better of us. I don't really think its a beautiful persons fault they tend to be stupid....
The way I see it: From an early age, the only positive reinforcement you get is about your looks, and you learn that being cute / pretty gets you things easily. Unless you're already self aware enough at an early age (not likely) that it's best to avoid the easy route and also develop your mind, why would you ever bother. Our nature tell us to survive,however possible , and if looks are what get you what you want, that's what you start relying on completely, and the rest suffers. So in this case, the blame should go on the parents, and of course society.
The media is a perfect example of what an impact attractiveness can have over can have over anything else. There are thousands of victims of kidnapping etc. every year, but when is the ONLY time it gets front page news for weeks at a time? 3words, pretty white girl. I won't even get started about racism in the media, or the general stupidity of the north american public that swallows that shit.
I'll add to this later as more come up, feel free to leave comments with other judgements, true or not, we make, as I'm sure I've thought about them and it'll give me More to write about.
One of the most common assumptions people make is that the prettiest people are also the dumbest. Unfortunately, the overwhelming truth of this cliche gives me a facial more often then I'd like to admit. I don't like to ever admit to receiving a facial, frankly, even if it is metaphorical.. though I guess I just did. We normally blame the beautiful person for their stupidity, and, of course, let our envy get the better of us. I don't really think its a beautiful persons fault they tend to be stupid....
The way I see it: From an early age, the only positive reinforcement you get is about your looks, and you learn that being cute / pretty gets you things easily. Unless you're already self aware enough at an early age (not likely) that it's best to avoid the easy route and also develop your mind, why would you ever bother. Our nature tell us to survive,however possible , and if looks are what get you what you want, that's what you start relying on completely, and the rest suffers. So in this case, the blame should go on the parents, and of course society.
The media is a perfect example of what an impact attractiveness can have over can have over anything else. There are thousands of victims of kidnapping etc. every year, but when is the ONLY time it gets front page news for weeks at a time? 3words, pretty white girl. I won't even get started about racism in the media, or the general stupidity of the north american public that swallows that shit.
I'll add to this later as more come up, feel free to leave comments with other judgements, true or not, we make, as I'm sure I've thought about them and it'll give me More to write about.
Monday, March 12, 2007
The Sunrise
Today, I woke up early to a fitting scene. After an amazing weekend with many most beautiful friends, the sky gave me something sweet to look at on the tough first day back to work after such a good time off.
Everyone should see the sun rise sometimes.
7:15: my eyes are wide, trying to take it all in.
The sky is blushing full and intense, like a girl who's fallen in love for the first time; who's realising the eyes she's staring into are saying exactly the same thing.
I almost expect the clouds to tilt down and look away, feeling shy as vulnerability floods their cheeks.
Let me get lost in this sky.
Everyone should see the sun rise sometimes.
7:15: my eyes are wide, trying to take it all in.
The sky is blushing full and intense, like a girl who's fallen in love for the first time; who's realising the eyes she's staring into are saying exactly the same thing.
I almost expect the clouds to tilt down and look away, feeling shy as vulnerability floods their cheeks.
Let me get lost in this sky.
Thursday, March 01, 2007
Fuck Yahoo....
I recently tried to log into my Yahoo Photos account to have a look around, and discovered that for some unknown reason it no longer exists... what the fuck?!?!
So basically I'm saying fuck that and will now be up on facebook. You might have to sign up, and once you do just search my real name and you'll find me.
So basically I'm saying fuck that and will now be up on facebook. You might have to sign up, and once you do just search my real name and you'll find me.
Sunday, February 25, 2007
Comment about house house hippos means I'll be writing about them.
If you don't know what house hippos are, please watch the follwoing video:
Notice how at the end they clearly state that this was NOT real. Well apparently it isn't enough to just tell people something isn't real in the same damn breath as the deliberately obvious fabrication.
So they started this website: . Now i was going to rip into the youth of today for being little media brainwashed drone loosers, but frankly making fun of children jsut isn't attractive, and I really don't think this page was for them anyhow.
I'm pretty sure they didn't get calls from Little Johnny Gullable asking where they can find and get rid of these house hippos. Oh no, I'm pretty sure those calls were coming from Daddy and/or Mommy moron. I have obviouly been annoyed this morning by somethign more then the general stupidity of people, but I figured I'd use this as an excuse to vent.
Know what's more annoying then people being gernally fucking moronic and actually thinking small house dwelling hippos are real? When people know their job, are supposed to be teaching others that job correctly, and have senority and expereince doing a job, BUT don't bother doing their job correctly and then get hugely bitchy and defensive when you call them on it because their lack of effort is causing you to get interrupted and have your time wasted. RANT!
Know what makes it easier to take? The fact you'll be one of the bosses sooner then later and will no longer have to deal with that shit because: A) They'll do things corectly when they are supposed to, because they are wary of wasting a bosses time (This is the far prefferrable outcome) or B) they won't, and your time will still get wasted, but only once, because you can fire their asses.
And that's my little power tripping rant for the day.
Notice how at the end they clearly state that this was NOT real. Well apparently it isn't enough to just tell people something isn't real in the same damn breath as the deliberately obvious fabrication.
So they started this website: . Now i was going to rip into the youth of today for being little media brainwashed drone loosers, but frankly making fun of children jsut isn't attractive, and I really don't think this page was for them anyhow.
I'm pretty sure they didn't get calls from Little Johnny Gullable asking where they can find and get rid of these house hippos. Oh no, I'm pretty sure those calls were coming from Daddy and/or Mommy moron. I have obviouly been annoyed this morning by somethign more then the general stupidity of people, but I figured I'd use this as an excuse to vent.
Know what's more annoying then people being gernally fucking moronic and actually thinking small house dwelling hippos are real? When people know their job, are supposed to be teaching others that job correctly, and have senority and expereince doing a job, BUT don't bother doing their job correctly and then get hugely bitchy and defensive when you call them on it because their lack of effort is causing you to get interrupted and have your time wasted. RANT!
Know what makes it easier to take? The fact you'll be one of the bosses sooner then later and will no longer have to deal with that shit because: A) They'll do things corectly when they are supposed to, because they are wary of wasting a bosses time (This is the far prefferrable outcome) or B) they won't, and your time will still get wasted, but only once, because you can fire their asses.
And that's my little power tripping rant for the day.
Thursday, February 22, 2007
SD said... Cupcakes. So I say, bring it on, or them on, or.. ummm... whatever.

Cupcakes are a lot like sex. One is a delicious single serving bakery treat covered in icing, and made in paper cups, and the other is an act of stimulating procreation that doesn't have anything to do with cake, or baking or even icing.... most of the time anyway.
Wait, I'm starting over.
Cupcakes are like....Life. Before we're born we're liquid batter, in most cases, vanilla batter. (If you have anything but vanilla batter seek medical attention immediately!) Unfortunately (or fortunately depending how you look at it, I don't want predators after my batter that for damn sure) from what I hear, we aren't nearly as tasty as batter, but on the plus side, that means it isn't often people eat so much of us that they get tummy aches (except in Japan, I hear it happens a lot there. I heard the word for tummy ache is bukkake in Japanese, but I'm not an expert).
Step two, just like cupcakes, is that we get put in an oven and rise into delicious round treats, hence the saying "got a bun in the oven" except we aren't buns, we’re cupcakes, or a baby.
Then, when you get hot enough, and sit long enough people stick forks in you and when you stop leaving residue on them, they take you out of the oven. I think that’s how it works anyways; I got a D- in "health" and "not being mentally retarded".
If you happen to be "taken out of the oven" in a restaurant, they put candles in you and give you away for free. This is what we call "orphans".
Annnnnnnnd I just stepped WAY over the line. Are we done here? I think we are.
If you laughed at that joke and feel you need to redeem your conscience please visit this website to learn more about how you can help make the lives of "those poor restaurant cupcakes" better.
Wednesday, February 21, 2007
Geoffy's comment addressed: European Federalisation
Geoff, as I didn't specify "use your own Ideas", I shall gladly address the questions you copyrighted directly from various "debate idea" websites. I was going to make fun of you for not coming up with your own shit, but considering the whole reson behind your comment, that would make me a bigger hypocrite then the catholic church!
For the sake of those readers who would rather not hear the drawn out details and complicated arguments behind the conclusions I've arrived at, I've taken the hours of research I've done on the subjects and put together what I feel is the simplest, yet most accurate way to address these complicated matters.
Geoffy Question #1A) (Original Source) : Should the EU further restrict the powers of its member states to set their own tax rates?
Geoffy Question #1B) Should proposed harmonization measures be passed by majority voting or remain subject to national vetoes?
Geoffy Question #2)(Original Source) Provide points for the European Union to become a federal super state, with the consequent loss of national sovereignty for member countries?
Point #1: Fuck super states
Point #1: Fuck em' HARD
For the sake of those readers who would rather not hear the drawn out details and complicated arguments behind the conclusions I've arrived at, I've taken the hours of research I've done on the subjects and put together what I feel is the simplest, yet most accurate way to address these complicated matters.
Geoffy Question #1A) (Original Source) : Should the EU further restrict the powers of its member states to set their own tax rates?
Geoffy Question #1B) Should proposed harmonization measures be passed by majority voting or remain subject to national vetoes?
Geoffy Question #2)(Original Source) Provide points for the European Union to become a federal super state, with the consequent loss of national sovereignty for member countries?
Point #1: Fuck super states
Point #1: Fuck em' HARD
Writers Block.. Who wants to help?
I suck at updating this blog, as I can't ever think of things worth writing unless something hilarious or maddening happens to me. I'm ultra laid back and that probably doesn't help, since nothing really winds me up.
I have a theory that you have to be one (or many) of a number of different annoying personality types to keep these damn things updated a lot, because everything would bother you. If you update your blog on a daily basis you might be one or more of the following things (answers include, but are not limited to everything I could think of at this time):
Anal Retentive
High strung
Lovey Dovey
Emotional wreck
Being cheated on
Attention Whore
Anyhow, I wouldn't say I'm totally outside that list, but I also can't think of anything to write about, so:
I am calling on everyone that reads this blog to leave a comment with a suggestion on something that I can write about. I don't care if it is a single word, that’s enough to make my mind work. DO IT! I give my solemn vow I shall write about everything anyone leaves a comment about.
Let the Writers Block Crumbling begin.
I have a theory that you have to be one (or many) of a number of different annoying personality types to keep these damn things updated a lot, because everything would bother you. If you update your blog on a daily basis you might be one or more of the following things (answers include, but are not limited to everything I could think of at this time):
Anal Retentive
High strung
Lovey Dovey
Emotional wreck
Being cheated on
Attention Whore
Anyhow, I wouldn't say I'm totally outside that list, but I also can't think of anything to write about, so:
I am calling on everyone that reads this blog to leave a comment with a suggestion on something that I can write about. I don't care if it is a single word, that’s enough to make my mind work. DO IT! I give my solemn vow I shall write about everything anyone leaves a comment about.
Let the Writers Block Crumbling begin.
Sunday, February 04, 2007
So a water main broke on the street in front of my house..
Notice How I said "my house is safe, so far" well I spoke to soon, my basement is le flood. It sucks huge.
I better get paid back on the pronto.
Thursday, February 01, 2007
Evesdroppings fun times on a Wednesday Night.
Sitting at Don Cherries in Sarnia, enjoying a very very below average meal, which thankfully was accompanied by average wine that was very very cold. In walks one of what I can describe only as a good old boy. Gruff, blue collar, with a face that looked like it was nearing retirement, but probably wasn't.
He sits, and mulls over the paper for a while, until his friends, a couple more good ol' boys, swagger in and plop down hard with some exaggerated, and what I can only imagine were very firm, handshakes and hellos.
They seemed to be settling in for a stereotypical boys night out: A few beers while watching the hockey game that was playing on all the screens. All of them except the one in my little booth. I was watching, here it comes, Everybody loves Raymond, HA! No, that's a lie. I actually I had the Raps on, for a few minutes, until my food came, then I focused on the wine, and the old boys conversation.
They began to rhyme off their drinks, One had a coffee, the other had a milk, and the other one, well he just settled in for a hot cup of tea. Since my first judgement of the book by it's cover proved totally incorrect, I went with the next available option. I sensed a southern drawl from one of them. No drinking? Southern Drawl? Had to be Christ freaks...
That lasted about 4 seconds until they started talking about "boys at work dickin'" which I can only assume meant people being lazy by the gist of the rest of the conversation..... At least I hope that's what they meant. Their waitress gets back and interrupts all their fun talking aboutdickin boys and such, and takes their orders.
They all got 6 oz. new yorkers and fries with gravy.. no surprises there, at least that didn't interfere with my ability to judge them... Except what I just said a total fucking lie and they all got salads with dressing on the side! These were burly muthafuckers here, I donno how long they've been eating salads with f'n dressing on the f'n side, but they need to try something else, cause that's shit wasn't working!
I was just downright confused and flustered by that point, and I'm not blaming the 4 glasses of wine I had either. Damn people and their making me questions my stereotypes,what are they thinking!? Then they started up again, talking about, "Boom Boomin' down to fuckin' London, and fuckin boom boomin down ta Guelph and boom boomin all the way back up through" I'm going out on a limb and thinking that "boom boomin" meant hauling loads, aka driving a transport truck. That is what I HOPE it meant.
All the talk about Dickin' boys and Boom Boomin' and at least 4 glasses of the vino had my mind running a little wild I'll admit, I just wasn't sure what to think. Then the best part happens, the three dudes start totally making out, in the middle of Don Fuckin' Cherries, and no one even pays attention to them. It's like this happens all the time here in Sarnia, as it is so very known to be very liberal and pro gay rights, just like no one in Sarnia listens to country or works in the oil or chemical industries.
Okay, that whole part about the making out was a lie, I left before that happened, but honestly, tea, milk and salads with side dressing, three hyperbole macho men, in Don Cherries sports grill? I don't think it's possible they DIDN'T make out. That was the next logical step in that twilight zone of a scene.
He sits, and mulls over the paper for a while, until his friends, a couple more good ol' boys, swagger in and plop down hard with some exaggerated, and what I can only imagine were very firm, handshakes and hellos.
They seemed to be settling in for a stereotypical boys night out: A few beers while watching the hockey game that was playing on all the screens. All of them except the one in my little booth. I was watching, here it comes, Everybody loves Raymond, HA! No, that's a lie. I actually I had the Raps on, for a few minutes, until my food came, then I focused on the wine, and the old boys conversation.
They began to rhyme off their drinks, One had a coffee, the other had a milk, and the other one, well he just settled in for a hot cup of tea. Since my first judgement of the book by it's cover proved totally incorrect, I went with the next available option. I sensed a southern drawl from one of them. No drinking? Southern Drawl? Had to be Christ freaks...
That lasted about 4 seconds until they started talking about "boys at work dickin'" which I can only assume meant people being lazy by the gist of the rest of the conversation..... At least I hope that's what they meant. Their waitress gets back and interrupts all their fun talking aboutdickin boys and such, and takes their orders.
They all got 6 oz. new yorkers and fries with gravy.. no surprises there, at least that didn't interfere with my ability to judge them... Except what I just said a total fucking lie and they all got salads with dressing on the side! These were burly muthafuckers here, I donno how long they've been eating salads with f'n dressing on the f'n side, but they need to try something else, cause that's shit wasn't working!
I was just downright confused and flustered by that point, and I'm not blaming the 4 glasses of wine I had either. Damn people and their making me questions my stereotypes,what are they thinking!? Then they started up again, talking about, "Boom Boomin' down to fuckin' London, and fuckin boom boomin down ta Guelph and boom boomin all the way back up through" I'm going out on a limb and thinking that "boom boomin" meant hauling loads, aka driving a transport truck. That is what I HOPE it meant.
All the talk about Dickin' boys and Boom Boomin' and at least 4 glasses of the vino had my mind running a little wild I'll admit, I just wasn't sure what to think. Then the best part happens, the three dudes start totally making out, in the middle of Don Fuckin' Cherries, and no one even pays attention to them. It's like this happens all the time here in Sarnia, as it is so very known to be very liberal and pro gay rights, just like no one in Sarnia listens to country or works in the oil or chemical industries.
Okay, that whole part about the making out was a lie, I left before that happened, but honestly, tea, milk and salads with side dressing, three hyperbole macho men, in Don Cherries sports grill? I don't think it's possible they DIDN'T make out. That was the next logical step in that twilight zone of a scene.
Tuesday, January 30, 2007
If I can make this interesting enough to read, I must be doing something right.
They say being an outside salesman is the loneliest Job in the world. Tomorrow I have to head on one of the very few trips I take for work that require me to stay overnight somewhere that isn't my home. I'm not a fan of these trips, so it is good they aren't frequent.
There are many people that spend most of their working lives living out of suitcases, in motels and hotels. Sleeping in freshly cleaned sheets every night, in a bed made by a stranger, surviving on restaurant food and take away coffee made by people they'll never meet. Never being able to smell the pillow next to them before they drift off into dreams Publish of the times that scent takes them too. I don't think I could live like that, but I admire those that can do it and keep their sanity.
There are good things too, like those moments that can only happen when you aren't with anyone else. When you have nothing to do but really focus on your surroundings, and the people within them. I cherish those more then I dread the hours surrounding them.
The old couple, having breakfast in the early am, who never say a word to each other all meal, but somehow know exactly when the other needs a new section of the paper, and pass it, like a perfectly choreographed dance across the table as the other passes one back.
Couples out for lunch, new and long established, sometimes forming right before your eyes. The business people, tight collared, trying to say just enough, but not too much, trying to please everyone, but not be overzealous. Then there are the other "business" lunches, where the tension is always quite obviously of a different breed.
There are the dinners with many friends, but I especially watch those old and loyal, and imagine being a part of 40 years from now. I picture us all replacing those weathered faces creased with deep smile lines seated around those tables, and think about how lucky I am, and will be even many years down the road.
I also watch those other business men, eating quietly, quickly and usually far too much, staring only at their plates. I wonder if time and routine has robbed them of the gift of observation, or if they ever had it at all. I wonder if they listen like I look, and hope they do, otherwise, it would be the loneliest job in the world.
There are many people that spend most of their working lives living out of suitcases, in motels and hotels. Sleeping in freshly cleaned sheets every night, in a bed made by a stranger, surviving on restaurant food and take away coffee made by people they'll never meet. Never being able to smell the pillow next to them before they drift off into dreams Publish of the times that scent takes them too. I don't think I could live like that, but I admire those that can do it and keep their sanity.
There are good things too, like those moments that can only happen when you aren't with anyone else. When you have nothing to do but really focus on your surroundings, and the people within them. I cherish those more then I dread the hours surrounding them.
The old couple, having breakfast in the early am, who never say a word to each other all meal, but somehow know exactly when the other needs a new section of the paper, and pass it, like a perfectly choreographed dance across the table as the other passes one back.
Couples out for lunch, new and long established, sometimes forming right before your eyes. The business people, tight collared, trying to say just enough, but not too much, trying to please everyone, but not be overzealous. Then there are the other "business" lunches, where the tension is always quite obviously of a different breed.
There are the dinners with many friends, but I especially watch those old and loyal, and imagine being a part of 40 years from now. I picture us all replacing those weathered faces creased with deep smile lines seated around those tables, and think about how lucky I am, and will be even many years down the road.
I also watch those other business men, eating quietly, quickly and usually far too much, staring only at their plates. I wonder if time and routine has robbed them of the gift of observation, or if they ever had it at all. I wonder if they listen like I look, and hope they do, otherwise, it would be the loneliest job in the world.
Monday, January 29, 2007
Our farewells are just see you laters.
So many times in the past I've had to say farewell, and a few unfortunate times I knew it was really goodbye. It never got any easier.
I can't really pinpoint the proper word for it, but I know the first time I felt it was the last few days before we all left for college and university, the first time the posse was ever going to be forced apart for any real length of time.
Everyone told me that this was where things would change; We'd make new friends and drift into different paths. Like most people do, I argued profusely on the contrary, if there was anything I was certain of, it was that would never happen.
College came and went, and we all reunited that summer. Things were the same as before, and I was relieved that, so far, everyone was wrong. Then came time for people to return to school, and there it was, strong as the first time, that feeling again.
Most people went back to their studies, I went to work, and a few months later, I left for Europe. that feeling was the same, so was the intensity. I wished every single time it would get a little easier.
In Europe, I met some very beautiful people. People I cared for immensely, people I fell in love with, and those I felt like I'd know forever. In every case I had to say farewell, and in every case, that feeling, was there.
I remember it felt like a sickness, and in the midst of it, you wanted nothing more then for it to end. Now, years later, I look back on it and miss it in a kind of masochistic way. It isn't often you feel as alive and emotionally aware as you do when your vulnerable, and recently alone.
More years passed and more farewells occurred, and the feeling still didn’t change; until this weekend. I'm 26, I've been through travel and school, and work, and the rest of the posse has too, but we're just as tight as that last summer before high school. We just had another going away party, this one for Dave. He's headed back to Aussi for a while. That feeling? It isn't there!
You see, we've all left, often a few times, and we always come back. It doesn't matter where we are in the present, because we all know that eventually, we'll end up together again. Wherever we are together will always be where we belong.
There’s no need for farewells anymore, the posse has “see you laters”.
I can't really pinpoint the proper word for it, but I know the first time I felt it was the last few days before we all left for college and university, the first time the posse was ever going to be forced apart for any real length of time.
Everyone told me that this was where things would change; We'd make new friends and drift into different paths. Like most people do, I argued profusely on the contrary, if there was anything I was certain of, it was that would never happen.
College came and went, and we all reunited that summer. Things were the same as before, and I was relieved that, so far, everyone was wrong. Then came time for people to return to school, and there it was, strong as the first time, that feeling again.
Most people went back to their studies, I went to work, and a few months later, I left for Europe. that feeling was the same, so was the intensity. I wished every single time it would get a little easier.
In Europe, I met some very beautiful people. People I cared for immensely, people I fell in love with, and those I felt like I'd know forever. In every case I had to say farewell, and in every case, that feeling, was there.
I remember it felt like a sickness, and in the midst of it, you wanted nothing more then for it to end. Now, years later, I look back on it and miss it in a kind of masochistic way. It isn't often you feel as alive and emotionally aware as you do when your vulnerable, and recently alone.
More years passed and more farewells occurred, and the feeling still didn’t change; until this weekend. I'm 26, I've been through travel and school, and work, and the rest of the posse has too, but we're just as tight as that last summer before high school. We just had another going away party, this one for Dave. He's headed back to Aussi for a while. That feeling? It isn't there!
You see, we've all left, often a few times, and we always come back. It doesn't matter where we are in the present, because we all know that eventually, we'll end up together again. Wherever we are together will always be where we belong.
There’s no need for farewells anymore, the posse has “see you laters”.
Friday, January 12, 2007
Wow, this is some funny shit.
Here another little ditty I stole from a website I read. Its hillarious as hell. I know, I'm a lazy prick, but seriously, this is going to make you laugh, and I can't promise I would.
10AM Rob Schneider? Is That You?
Customer: Can you draw something on the cake for me?
Employee: Sure, what do you want on it?
Customer: A dick.
Employee: I can do you one better. We've got these chocolate-covered bananas, and chocolate-covered cookie dough balls. I can put an edible, chocolate-covered dick and balls on your cake.
Customer: Fucking awesome!
Manager, walking in: Uh, what are you doing?
Employee: Making a dick cake.
Manager: Woo! Makin' a dick cake!
Ben & Jerry's, East Village
New York, New York
Overheard by: Sam
The link to the website I got it from, as well as its partner sites are as follow:
10AM Rob Schneider? Is That You?
Customer: Can you draw something on the cake for me?
Employee: Sure, what do you want on it?
Customer: A dick.
Employee: I can do you one better. We've got these chocolate-covered bananas, and chocolate-covered cookie dough balls. I can put an edible, chocolate-covered dick and balls on your cake.
Customer: Fucking awesome!
Manager, walking in: Uh, what are you doing?
Employee: Making a dick cake.
Manager: Woo! Makin' a dick cake!
Ben & Jerry's, East Village
New York, New York
Overheard by: Sam
The link to the website I got it from, as well as its partner sites are as follow:
Monday, January 08, 2007
"Friend Record"
I came across this video today:
The memories of the real deal came rushing back. The whistling s's of Grandma Gussie and the oh so scary "Friend Record". Who are you a friend of, Mr. Record? HMMM? Could it be, ohh I don't know...... the devil?
I remember all those times, you'd sneak on the TV smashing those wooden spoons together, wobbling menacingly back and forth like a homeless drunk, busking with whatever was there. This in turn would cause my childhood self to panic and rush, petrified, to try and turn you off, ruining yet another otherwise entertaining episode of Size Small. If I saw you, or anyone dressed like you today, I'd steal those god damned wooded spoons and beat you. I'd beat you right in your big stupid record face.
The memories of the real deal came rushing back. The whistling s's of Grandma Gussie and the oh so scary "Friend Record". Who are you a friend of, Mr. Record? HMMM? Could it be, ohh I don't know...... the devil?
I remember all those times, you'd sneak on the TV smashing those wooden spoons together, wobbling menacingly back and forth like a homeless drunk, busking with whatever was there. This in turn would cause my childhood self to panic and rush, petrified, to try and turn you off, ruining yet another otherwise entertaining episode of Size Small. If I saw you, or anyone dressed like you today, I'd steal those god damned wooded spoons and beat you. I'd beat you right in your big stupid record face.
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