Sunday, February 25, 2007

Comment about house house hippos means I'll be writing about them.

If you don't know what house hippos are, please watch the follwoing video:

Notice how at the end they clearly state that this was NOT real. Well apparently it isn't enough to just tell people something isn't real in the same damn breath as the deliberately obvious fabrication.

So they started this website: . Now i was going to rip into the youth of today for being little media brainwashed drone loosers, but frankly making fun of children jsut isn't attractive, and I really don't think this page was for them anyhow.

I'm pretty sure they didn't get calls from Little Johnny Gullable asking where they can find and get rid of these house hippos. Oh no, I'm pretty sure those calls were coming from Daddy and/or Mommy moron. I have obviouly been annoyed this morning by somethign more then the general stupidity of people, but I figured I'd use this as an excuse to vent.

Know what's more annoying then people being gernally fucking moronic and actually thinking small house dwelling hippos are real? When people know their job, are supposed to be teaching others that job correctly, and have senority and expereince doing a job, BUT don't bother doing their job correctly and then get hugely bitchy and defensive when you call them on it because their lack of effort is causing you to get interrupted and have your time wasted. RANT!

Know what makes it easier to take? The fact you'll be one of the bosses sooner then later and will no longer have to deal with that shit because: A) They'll do things corectly when they are supposed to, because they are wary of wasting a bosses time (This is the far prefferrable outcome) or B) they won't, and your time will still get wasted, but only once, because you can fire their asses.

And that's my little power tripping rant for the day.

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