Sunday, December 03, 2006

Valdivia the brewpub and Sealions

SO after a long drive and a short ferry ride we arrived in a town called Valdicida. Its a university town with a bunch of shitty restaurant, as has been our experience with all of Chile, and a couple other interesting sights.

Our first night we drank a bottle of wine and chatted politics and the pros and cons of marriage with an old hippy dude from sanfransisco. He played us a little guitar and we shared a bottle or two of wine. Good night indeed.

The next day we met one of the most beautiful girls I´ve ever seen, and shatted a little over breakfast, then headed from the local brewry for a tour. We arrived before it opened, and waited around 10 minutes till noon and they swung us in for a whirlwind tour, of one shitty room with what I guess thye considered a beer museam, but looked more like any college dorm with a bunch of different bottles lined up.

Then we tasted all the beers they brewed on premises, and matty chose his favorite, a honey lager with a very sweet aftertaste that actually was just like real honey. I even almost enjoyed that beer, though the inicial beer taste still wasn´t good.

We had the first decent meal we had had in chile, and it was just an assortment of cheese and cold cuts, and some nice breads. We thouroughly enjoyed it and have picked up a few extras we´ll have to add to the traditional cotage lunches at home.

Stopped at the seashore on the way out of town as I spotted some sealions just chilling there. I learned two things about sealions that day. One that they are actually like lions, they gorwl and are big and look like they could seriously fuck you up, and two, they have what is perhaps the stinkyest shit on this earth. Think of rotten mussles draped in sick baby poo, then add more dirty fish stank, and you have something thats close, but not quite as bad.

We then headed off for a long ass drive to our next destination, which we thought would be just a shitty town to sleep in and get off early from to head to Valapariso.


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