Friday, June 30, 2006

Today, I Cop out.

It's been a few days since I updated, and I feel a little like a selfish lover not pleasing my wanton harem.
I don't feel like writing anything special today, meaning I can't seem to come up with shit.
What I will give you is a promise that after this weekend, we'll have plenty to write about and show you.... Nia ga ra Fawlls (say it like the ghost of Christmas past in Scrooge, featuring Bill Murray)

Anyhow, if you want something to read, or pictures to oogle, visit this site: POST SECRET . It's not always funny, but it is always incredibly touching. I really like it. It won blog of the year for 2005.

I shall see you on the flipside, hopefully with pics of my going over the falls wearing a Superman cape, riding a stolen mechanical bull.

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