Monday, July 03, 2006



Anonymous said...

where did this come from?!?!?!?!?!!? thats freaky shit

Anonymous said...

more videos... MORE VIDEOS!!!
haha so funny

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Don't get me wrong- your antics in the videos are amusing, but I can't help but feel that you guys are somehow mocking Criss Angel (if indeed the mindfreaking is a reference to his show). Criss Angel has my utmost respect, because he's living proof that anything can be accomplished if the mind is put to it. If one can harness one's own metaphysical energy, concentrate it, and direct it toward a certain task, it is a scientific fact that that task can be accomplished, whether it be levitation, walking on water, or vanishing in mid-air and reappearing elsewhere (all, of course, with the help of God). To all of those of you who don't believe, you have my pity. I only pray that you someday see the light.

Phil "Ghetto Booty Thrill" said...

I wouldn't ever mock Criss Angel. He is the best ILLUSIONIST to ever live. However, he is just that, and he'll be the first to explain that he does ILLUSIONS, not special metaphysical magic mumbojumbo. I REALLY hope your comments are a joke, for the sake of our reputation as the most intellegent species. Otherwise, I shall put this as gently as I can: you are a fucking looser!